I'm running on empty. All week I've been checking on my baby girl at daycare because she was sick for the first time. Sunday she had fever, cough, sneezing, restless, watery eyes and the need to be held. So I did just that, all day. I looked at my husband that night from my recliner and said, "Do you realize I have watched 7 episodes of Desperate Housewives back to back?" And these are 1-hour each not to mention the other random shows I watched in between. I suppose that alone might depress anyone. But at least it wasn't 7 hours of the same Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode, which would have been the case if Caleb had been sick.
Maddy was well enough we decided to try to go to school on Monday, but I hated leaving her. On the one hand I did not want to be the mother who left a sick child for the others to be contaminated. Later in the week, I realized it didn't matter the entire group was sick. It's just part of building their immune systems. I remember the routine with Caleb. Do we take him? Do we stay home? Do we call another caretaker? As a mother, I just want to be there to soothe and comfort, but as a working mother I have to reserve my sick days for something of the serious nature.
Maddy's appetite has dropped off recently, too. I don't know if it's due to her cold or maybe she's growing. I don't think she's possibly teething although Caleb did start when he was 4 months old. She'll be 15 weeks old on Tuesday. With her taking less bottles at school, my refrigerator/freezer is getting stockpiled with little baggies of milk. I'm on week 3 of breastfeeding my baby and managing a full time job. It feels so unnatural. I get milked 3 times a day, once at home and twice at work. It's supposed to build her immune system, right? Well I guess it took her 2 weeks before she was sick rather than the 1 week it took Caleb. He was formula fed at that point in time. Healthwise I don't see much of a difference for baby, but I do see a difference in the cost. Breastfeeding costs time not money. Unfortunately, these days time and money are hard to find.
I am feeling down right now. I want to eat every piece of chocolate in the break room. We have lots of miniatures in there. Hmmm...let's see, I have 35 extra points a week on my Weight Watchers diet and each bar is a point. I guess a few wouldn't hurt, especially since I'm a nursing mother. I need those few extra calories, right?