Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Well here I am once again trying to guess why Caleb's nose is a fountain of mucous. Could it be his striking resemblance to Rudolph is going to mean a lifetime of allergies (guess I'll have to put a stop to Buttons sleeping in his stroller in the garage)? Could it be that a new set of teeth are surfacing (maybe those two front teeth that he asked for at Christmas--I think that is how 'Blaawh, blaawh' translates)? Could he just be suffering from another cold bug? It hit me last night when my own throat became scratchy and I did not sleep so well due to congestion-it's definitely a bug!

I've officially decided I'm living under a rock. So if you come looking for me you'll probably find me and Caleb tucked neatly away under the fake rock that is currently covering our water well in the back yard. However, I think I am going to move the rock inside, live under it and if anyone visits they will be showered with Lysol before entering.
I guess I should run this past Mark, though. He did mention the other night he wanted to change things up a bit. Not sure this is quite what he meant. I think he was referring more to trading cooking dinner for bathing Caleb. You see right now I get home just in time to spend 1 hour or less with my Sir Cranks A Lot while Mark spends the time cooking for us both. Mark gets home an hour earlier than I do. He made comment something to the effect that he'd like to see me cook dinner for him and put Caleb to bed...hmmmm...I believe I so kindly reminded him that in order to do so I'd have to quit my day job, which would ultimately mean he'd have to lose the new truck he so much enjoys driving.
However, if I decide to live under a rock after all then who needs a truck?


Christy said...

I so love that you call Caleb "Sir Cranksalot." Hilarious! I'm so sorry your sweet baby is sick. I tried to keep Andrew around only his own germs yesterday at playgroup, only to turn around and find his pacifier in someone else's mouth. I sure hope she doesn't get his cold! (Though I think he's pretty much past it now ... and hopefully quite beyond being contageous).

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel!! Everytime I take Marisol out we catch something, last time it was a stomach virus! It is not fun spending the entire night taking care of a vomiting toddler only to be doing the same yourself the next day!